
Like React, a component is any function that returns HTML.


We still need to determine whether the functions names will be uppercase or not.

For now they will be uppercase.

fun MyComponent() -> HTML
    <p>Hello templates!</p>
Syntax error: Expected an identifier after the `fun` keyword. at line 1:4

Inside the HTML tags you can (mostly) write the HTML you already know.

Text interpolation

Interpolation inside HTML works the same way as string interpolation. Use brackets to insert an expression to the HTML:

fun MyComponent() -> HTML
    val name = "John"

    <p>Hello {name}!</p>
Syntax error: Expected an identifier after the `fun` keyword. at line 1:4
<p>Hello John!</p>

You can use any expression that can be converted to a String inside, like conditionals.

fun MyComponent() -> HTML
    val name = "John"
    val is_vip = true

        {if is_vip {"Welcome"} else {"Hi"}}
Syntax error: Expected an identifier after the `fun` keyword. at line 1:4
<p>Welcome John!</p>


Text interpolated is always escaped:

fun MyComponent() -> HTML
    val user_input = "<b>BOLD</b>"

    <p>answer: {user_input}</p>
Syntax error: Expected an identifier after the `fun` keyword. at line 1:4
<p>answer: &lt;b&gt;BOLD&lt;/b&gt;</p>

To include raw html use the raw-html attribute (subject to change):

fun MyComponent() -> HTML
    val user_input = "<b>BOLD</b>"

    <p>answer: <span raw-html={user_input}></span></p>
Syntax error: Expected an identifier after the `fun` keyword. at line 1:4
<p>answer: <span><b>BOLD</b></span></p>

Dynamic attributes

TODO: boolean attributes

Normal attributes (plain strings) work as you’d expect:

fun MyComponent() -> HTML
    <button class="red">hello</button>
Syntax error: Expected an identifier after the `fun` keyword. at line 1:4
<button class="red">hello</button>

Dynamic attributes are used when you want to use values from code. For those use brackets instead of double quotes:

fun MyComponent() -> HTML
    val button_class = if true {"blue"} else {"yellow"}

    // Note the braces
    <button class={button_class}>hello</button>
Syntax error: Expected an identifier after the `fun` keyword. at line 1:4
<button class="blue">hello</button>


An HTML expression consist of a single tag that may have children inside. If you need to return multiple tags at once you can use fragments.

The following code doesn’t work as you would expect:

fun MyComponent() -> HTML
    <p>hello</p>    // This is an error, an ignored expression
Syntax error: Expected an identifier after the `fun` keyword. at line 1:4

Each <p> is a single expression, they are not grouped. And since we cannot have unused expressions, the code will not compile.

To have these two <p> tags as a single expression use a fragment: <></>

fun MyComponent() -> HTML
    // This is the root "element"
        <p>hello</p>    // Now these two are together
Syntax error: Expected an identifier after the `fun` keyword. at line 1:4


To use a component inside another component call them as if it were an html tag:

fun User() -> HTML
    <span>I am the user</span>

fun MyComponent() -> HTML
        <User />        // Here we are using the other component
Syntax error: Expected an identifier after the `fun` keyword. at line 1:4