Control flow

If expressions

Use @if, @else if and @else to branch during the template creation.

fun User(User user) -> HTML
        @if user.verified
            <p>Hello {}</p>
            <p>Verify your account to continue</p>
Syntax error: Expected an identifier after the `fun` keyword. at line 1:4


Use @for:

fun Users() -> HTML
    val users = User::get_all()

        @for user in users
            <User user={user} />
Syntax error: Expected an identifier after the `fun` keyword. at line 1:4


Use @match for pattern matching:

fun UserDetail(User user) -> HTML
        @match user.type
        @case ::Admin
            <button>Delete resource</button>
        @case ::User
            <button disable>Not allowed</button>
Syntax error: Expected an identifier after the `fun` keyword. at line 1:4